The last couple weeks have been pretty good. We found out that a tropical storm will keep the doctors away. Two of our appointments got cancelled due to the storm last week. It made it a great week. No running around. I even stayed in my PJ’s a couple days. 

We’re on our third set of casts to correct the club feet. All seems to be going well with that. Yesterday we visited Logan’s GI doctor. We are working towards getting away from using the G-tube. Slowly we will start to feed him by mouth during the day. What he doesn’t take by bottle, we will finish giving to him by the feeding pump. At night he will stay on continual feeds (more for the sake of our sleeping). The visits to the pediatrician continue. As of Tuesday, 26th, Logan weighs 10 lbs. Next week we visit the Cardiologist. 

Logan received a floor gym from his Uncle Dave and Jackie. He seems to really like it. 

I’d attach pictures and the video I have but it doesn’t seem to be working for me. Bill will have to help me when he’s back in town. 

Till next time…Kim